Mooney Trip Monument Valley

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Dave Monu Valley.jpg
Dave Monu Valley.jpg
Comb Ridge, Utah, as seen from above Bluff airport (66V). Comb Ridge is an immense sandstone formation tilted at an angle of about 20 degrees, which is almost 80 miles (128 km) long running north and south, and about one mile (1.6 km) wide.
Gooseneck State Park, where the San Juan river twists and turns in sandstone formations, showing hundreds of layers as the river meanders toward the west into Lake Powell.
More meandering San Juan river formations just west of the town of Mexican Hat, Utah, along US Highway 163
A small part of Monument Valley, as seen from about 7000 to 8500 feet, looking out the right side of the aircraft as we fly from North to SouthEast
Foreground left: East Mitten; Behind it: Merrick Butte; Background from left to center: Mitchell Mesa; To the right of it the smaller Gray Whiskers; Far right foreground: West Mitten; Background: Mitchell Butte
East Mitten (front) and West Mitten (back center)
View out the right window as we fly toward the Southwest
Merrick Butte (front) looks ideal for a Jeep commercial. To the left of it is West Mitten. Center field is large Sentinel Mesa, and to the right of it the spire called Big Indian. Far background is Eagle Mesa on the left, then Sitting Hen, etc
West Mitten
Mitchell Butte, looking West
Mitchell Butte seen through the right rear window
As we exit Monument Valley toward the Southeast, this is the southernmost tip of Comb Ridge as it fades away toward the South
Monu Valley 1.jpg
Monu Valley 1.jpg
Monu Valley 2.jpg
Monu Valley 2.jpg
UT25 Gouldings Lodge and Airstrip 1.jpg
UT25 Gouldings Lodge and Airstrip 1.jpg
UT25 Gouldings Lodge and Airstrip 2.jpg
UT25 Gouldings Lodge and Airstrip 2.jpg
UT25 Gouldings Lodge and Airstrip 3.jpg
I guess you have to make a quick turnout after takeoff, if you are departing to the South from UT25!
UT25 Landing.jpg
UT25 Landing.jpg
Windows Media Player Movies
Monument Valley Introduction-Stream.wmv 7.2MB March 17, 2008 12:41:31 AM UTC

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