Dave Morris' Mixer Concept

Top view of the mixer.
A semi-circular slot is cut in a plate of aluminum.
The plate is attached to the control stick torque tube so it can pivot about a joint (shown at the top of the plate incorrectly as a screw.)
A vertical rod from the control stick torque tube sits in the slot (probably using a bearing so there is no slop).
As the control stick is moved forward and backward, the entire plate moves with it, moving both the left and right elevators in unison up and down.
But as the control stick is moved left and right, it causes rotation of the plate (as shown by the arrows), causing a differential up/down motion of the elevators in the proper direction.

Side view.
The mixer plate will rotate horizontally, moving the elevators up and down slightly.
Patrick Panzera's Mixer Concept

This idea uses a cam. Since this is my first attempt
at drawing it up, it's not fully thought through. The intent
here is for the elevators to live in the un-bent portion of the
cam during level flight, through some minor aileron deflection.
But once the ailerons are cranked, the cam will come in to play,
reducing the lift in the direction of the turn. This is because
I don't want to increase lift, in the event that the canard
surface in question is close to stall at the moment of giving in
more down elevator.
To limit the travel of the elevators, the stick will have stops
on it in all directions. The elevator will be allowed to pass
this limit when the cam causes it to, bit it will not try and
go pass the elevator stops placed on the elevator itself. In
other words, there will be 2 sets of stops. Elevator stop and
Elevon stop.
Geoff Willis' Mixer Design

Geoff Willis' Mixer Design
V-Tail Mixer (for reference)

For reference, here is what a V-tail mixer looks like